Vision, Mision and Objectives of Psychology Study Program

Vision of Psychology Study Program

“Becoming a Superior Psychology Undergraduate Study Program, Professional and Leading in Indonesia to Produce Bachelor of Psychology in the field of Positive Psychology to meet the needs of the Industry, the wider community and global insight in 2024 “.

Mision of Psychology Study Program

  1. Organizing Tridharma Perguruan (Education, Research and Community Service) based on Positive Psychology to achieve academic excellence, producing professional staff and graduates meet the required work quality standards.
  2. Implement effective and efficient Higher Education management, and develop a network of cooperation with industry and partnerships sustainable in response to changes in flows and global competitiveness.

  3. Developing competencies and developing entrepreneurial spirit, professional ethics and positive psychology values ​​for students and staff who contribute positively to improving the quality of life.


General Objectives Education The S1 Psychology Study Program is equipping students so they can become quality graduates with the following qualifications:

  1. Understanding basic knowledge of psychology and observation techniques objectively, so that they can interpret human behavior, both individuals and groups according to psychological principles with a positive psychological approach that emphasizes the strength of the individual and his positive character.
  2. Able to carry out research and compile scientific and professional psychological research reports with positive psychology themes.

  3. Demonstrate sensitivity that is responsible for values, processes and social, cultural, religious, political and economic problems that influence human behavior are emphasized in the appreciation of positive characters and the strength they possess and are able to interpret these behaviors in relation to the conditions of Indonesia.

  4. Get to know, appreciate and practice the Code of Ethics Psychology which includes scientific code of ethics and research on HIMPSI and APA references.

Special Objectives

The specific objectives of the S1 Psychology Study Program are:

  1. Educating students to become scholars who are skilled in using scientific thinking, gathering and synthesizing information using quantitative and qualitative research methods and communicating oral and written in accordance with the rules of Psychology.
  2. Educating students to become scholars who have the ability to analyze and design a Psychology study that is in accordance with the characteristics and culture of the business organization / agency.

  3. Produce scholars who have individuals who are characterized as heedful ethics and moral values ​​of life and science, independence, have motivation for lifelong learning, foster relationships based on tolerance and intelligent behavior.

  4. Produce graduates who emphasize the advantages of soft skills in a form of discipline, honesty, responsibility, creative, environmentally friendly and local wisdom that supports expertise in the field of psychology.