Course Description

Psychological Statistics Types of statistics, types of data, variables, and scale of measurement, statistical measurement techniques that best suit the type of data, variables, and scale of measurement used, interpret the results of calculations and provide an overview of the groups observed, based on the average value of groups or based on the degree of relationship between 2 sets of measurements, conclusions and statistics obtained.

History and the flow of Psychology Students understand definitions, goals and fields, ancient Greek influences and Romans, intellectual life & the emergence of modern science, sensualism & positivism, 19th century psychology, modern psychology, functionalism, Gestalt Movement, Psychoanalysis, Behaviorism, third wave psychology & eastern tradition.

Biopsychology The relationship between physiology and psychology and its processes, evolutionary development, natural selection, human evolution and the history of human development, evolutionary and genetic relations and their effects on behavior, variation between individuals and the basis of life units, cell structure and function in nerve function, classification nerve fibers, potential cell membrane action potential and potential changes, nervous system.

Religious Education This subject aims to shape the vision of life and the habits of students to achieve morals according to the teachings of Religion.

Sociology This course is an introduction for students to have the basics or framework of knowledge about sociology and how it applies to everyday life. The main theories and concepts to be delivered in this course include: basic theories of sociology, cultural sociology, structure and cultural and social change and social psychology. Students will also be invited to actively explore further the influence of social and social classes of institutions such as education, health services, government, economics and the environment. The course in the form of a reality, theory, and basic concept of society, is expected to not only provide students with knowledge but also provide a basis for a rich theoretical framework of sociology of society, especially society in Indonesia.

English I This course trains the skills of communicating in English using conversational techniques (basic) in daily activities. Students are expected to gain knowledge of language (linguistic skills and usage), grammar (grammar), and increase their vocabulary (vocabulary).

Behavior and Mental Process Thinking and speaking and the underlying cognitive processes, motivation & emotions in humans, health psychology; lifestyle, stress & health, personality theory, psychological assessment and individual differences, psychological disorders, social attitudes & cognitions. Social influence, aggression and altruism.

Personality Theory Scientific basis in studying human personality, nature, temperament, character / type, type, approach to personality through characterology, typology, character, role, self-concept. The dimensions of human personality are based on psychodynamic theory. Discussion of human personality from ancient Greece to the XX century. Discussion of classical psychoanalytic theory, analytical psychology, individual psychology, and ego psychology.

Basics of Research Methods Basics of qualitative and quantitative research, differences in qualitative and quantitative research, blueprints of qualitative and quantitative research, understanding conceptual frameworks in qualitative and quantitative research, understanding qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, knowing basic principles of evaluation, credibility, and measures to increase the credibility of quantitative and qualitative research.

Entrepreneurship I This course aims to encourage students to become entrepreneurs and prepare with an understanding of practical understanding. Discussion includes: self-introduction, basic entrepreneurial attitude, business plan concept and business control, business management, functional management.

Philosophy of Science and Logic The philosophical definition and benefits of philosophy, myths and ancient Greek logos, the first Greek philosophers, Heraklites, Parmenides, Zeno Melissos, Empedocles, Anaxagoras, Atomic philosophers, Sofis and Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Eastern Philosophy, Modern Century.

Introduction to Psychodiagnostics Historical background in Psychodiagnostics, various definitions of psychodiagnostics and Psychological Assessment. This Psychological Assessment includes interview, observation and test methods. Classification of tests, examples of each group in general, the process of interpretation, the basics of ethics in carrying out psychological assessment in various contexts (education, clinical and others). The meaning of tests, measurements, and test conditions.

Developmental Theory Definition, goals and history of psychological development, multi-dimensional, mechanistic, organismic, normative and non-normative, human development psychology, nature, continuous, multidimensional, cross-sectional, longitudinal,Piaget’s cognitive development theory, Freud’s Psychoanalytic, Psychosocial Erickson, Vygotsky’s theory, and contextuality, general characteristics and development of the Christmas and prenatal phases, policy and development, teratology, birth process, infancy and infancy, early childhood, middle and late childhood.

Educational Psychology Provides students with an understanding of the scope of educational psychology, internal and external factors in humans and their environment which psychologically influences the education process, recognizes the forms of extraordinary education, and is able to plan educational goals and choose education methods, and conduct basic evaluations of formal education process. Human Philosophy Definition of human philosophy, benefits and purpose. Philosophical figures and teachings that contribute to humans and human behavior.

Psychological Anthropology An anthropological discipline that investigates psychological conditions that encourage endurance and change in the social system, with the aim of better understanding the relationship between culture and individuals. This includes the approach investigated by anthropological investigations using psychological concepts and methods of psychological anthropology research. This lecture focuses on the notion of anthropology as a basis and introduction, human and culture, the concept of personality and society. Students are expected to be able to understand various cases of psychological anthropology associated with Indonesian society and culture and anthropological links to psychology and their application in daily life in the context of culture in Indonesia.

Pancasila This course aims to strengthen Pancasila as the foundation of the country’s philosophy and the ideology of the nation through the revitalization of the basic values ​​of Pancasila as the basic norm of life in society, nation and state, providing understanding and appreciation of the soul and basic values ​​of Pancasila to students as citizens of the Republic Indonesia, as well as guiding to be able to apply it in the life of society, nation and state.

Social Psychology History and development of social psychology, psychological theory social, research methods in social psychology, social perceptions and attribution, social cognition, limitation of function, stretching, formation and change, social identity, conformity, compliance and obedience, personal control and loss control, culture and social behavior (Norms, Value, Belief and Mores).

Psychometry Scope and problems as well as concepts in psychological measurement, psychological measurement tools that are good, the importance of norms and their making, the meaning of validity, types and how to calculate them, understand the purpose, theory, use and function of the application of item analysis.

Quantitative Research Methods and Experiments In this course, paradigms and differences in qualitative and quantitative research are discussed, principles that distinguish qualitative and quantitative research, knowledge of how to compile research topics, objectives and research questions, research hypotheses, determine research participants, validity and research reliability, type and quantitative research strategy.

English II This course is an advanced program of English courses 1. In this course students will be trained to be able to actively participate in conversations or discussions. Teaching methods and techniques are carried out by simulation, role play, discussion, games, problem solving, etc.

Lifelong Development Introduction to physical and cognitive development, psychosocial development in adolescents, early adulthood, middle adulthood and late adulthood.

Contemporary Personality Theory Learning and cognitive psychology, humanistic psychology, existential, eastern psychology and transpersonal.

Social Cognition Theory in the new field of social psychology is social cognition. Cognitive processes that explain how people understand themselves and others. The main topic of discussion is the theory of social cognition of attribution, psychological control, social schemes, attention, memory, and social inferences.

Qualitative Research Methods, Observations and Interviews Understand and understand the concepts of observation and interviews, theories about observation and interviews, various approaches to observation and interviews, design steps for various forms of observation and interviews, meanings of various observable / observable behaviors as the form of human psychological statements. Sentences that have diagnostic meanings spoken by the subject in the interview process. Paradigms and differences in qualitative research and quantitative research, principles that distinguish qualitative and quantitative research, functions and theoretical roles in qualitative research, compile qualitative research and qualitative data analysis.

Inventory Tests The theoretical background and construction of various inventory tests, both those used to measure personality characteristics, selection, placement, and promotion.

Bahasa Indonesia In this course students practice to be able to communicate, translate ideas, thoughts and opinions both verbally and in writing effectively and easily understood. Students also practice to make scientific papers in accordance with Indonesian Language rules and applicable scientific notation rules.

English For Psychology I This course is intended to be able to equip students with more advanced English language skills where they can better understand and explore various terms of psychology and applied sciences in English, so they can be more competitive in the world of work.

Psychological disorders Normality and abnormalities as well as pediatric psychopathology, mental retardation, learning difficulties, psychological, psychodynamic, behavioristic, in understanding abnormalities in children, conduct of disorders / delinquency, hearing loss, vision, motor, CP, epilepsy, DMO, neurosis in children, tempertantrum, aggressiveness, enuresis, anxiety, phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress, gender and psychosexual identity disorders as well as drug / substance abuse, psychophysiological disorders, personality, dissociative, effective, psychosis, organic, somatoform and homemade mental disorders.

Media and Communication Psychology Introduction, functions and characteristics of the media. Dimensions and concepts of communication, introduction to communication between people, human relations, verbal and non verbal communication, attitude formation, self disclosure, self assertion, active listening, empathy, communication with friends and strangers, family communication, interviews, transactional analysis.

Projection Test Definition of projection, projection method, projective disclosure, image, story, perception, construction, history, meaning and theoretical basis of image tests and perception tests.

Cognitive, Innovative, and Creative Psychology This course explains the cognitive processes of humans with perspectives and psychological theories that underlie it to realize an innovative and creative way of thinking in terms of seeing and solving problems. Explain how cognitive processes of humans by creative thinking can produce various innovations.

English For Psychology II Focus mainly on the process of writing and publishing scientific manuscripts, but the writing of the grant will also be discussed. This course teaches how to write effectively, briefly, and clearly as a preparation for an actual script or scientific grant.

Clinical Psychology History of clinical psychology, causes of abnormal behavior, case analysis with psychoanalysis approach, behavioristic, humanistic, psychopharmacology, clinical assessment, clinical intervention, community psychology, clinical psychology research, clinical children.

Psychoeducation, Training and Development Understanding and the purpose of studying design training programs. The principle difference between training and development; androgogical principles and methods in the implementation of work training programs; how to analyze training needs (training need analysis); how to design a work training program; monitoring program, consultation, applied assistance and evaluation of the results of job training.

Counseling and Psychotherapy Understanding the basics of counseling and the implementation of counseling, the steps in counseling, several approaches and kinds of counseling, counseling techniques.

Psychology Ruang Maya In this course discusses various aspects and ways in human interaction with internet technology related to emotions and behavior, the influence of the internet on behavior due to anonymity, the intrenet effect in influencing humans building relationships with others, personal identity and social identity in cyberspace, and the psychological consequences of interaction and attachment to internet technology.

UMB Ethics This course equips students to have self-management knowledge in preparing for the future by knowing the meaning, benefits, and goals of individual development and developing competencies well. Knowing ways to improve, explore self potential and apply it in real action, and address the results of increasing self-potential by behaving positively, prioritizing empathy, having motivation, self-regulation, and always developing social skills.

Social Intervention Paradigm and theories used in Applied Social Psychology. Identification, designing good social intervention programs, implementation, monitoring and evaluation in an effort to solve social problems. Reviewing the literature, steps in Applied Social Psychology research, methods used in applied Social Psychology research, writing research reports.

Ulayat Psychology and Cross Culture Knowledge, understanding, skills and beliefs of certain people in the local cultural context. Focusing on the community and cultural context. This course equips students with an independent approach in the perspective of psychology, cross-cultural differences, and research with an independent approach to research in Asia. The main objective of the indulinus psychology (ulayat) approach is to create psychology that is systematic, rigorous, universal in theory and empirically proven.

Political Psychology and Public Policy Political psychology is an interdisciplinary pursuit of psychological and political questions; unifying psychological understanding for political questions, and exploring how the political context influences the way people behave politically also understand normative and descriptive approaches to analysis and understanding of decision making in general, with an emphasis on the field implications of behavior in the public space and in policy making.

Leadership Psychology Definition and purpose of studying leadership psychology, leadership theories, the relationship between leadership and organizational effectiveness, psychological requirements for a leader, effective measurement of leadership.

HR Psychology, Industrial Relations Human resource management concepts that can be used in analyzing and addressing actual human resource problems in an effort to achieve optimal HR productivity. Definition of Human Resource Management. Development of Psychology in Human Resource Management. Psychological Theory related to HR Management. HR Management Psychology Application in organizations. Role of Psychology in HR management.

PAUD Psychology Definition and purpose of studying the psychology of early childhood education. Psychological factors that must be considered in early childhood education; The role of parents in creating a family environment, and the playing environment for early childhood.
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