

The Faculty of Psychology was established in 2005 based on the spirit of building the image of Mercu Buana University as a center of excellence, advancing and beneficial for the development of international quality professional human resources. In accordance with the Director General of Higher Education Decree, number: 4013 / D / T / 2006 dated 31 October 2006. On 7 October 2011 the Decree of the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education from the Ministry of National Education and other Ministries Number: 028 / BAN-PT / Ak -XIV / S1 / X / 2011 that the Psychology Study Program of the Faculty of Psychology is Accredited with a “B” Accreditation Value and since October 2008 has been successful in obtaining certification in the application of the ISO 9001: 2008 SAI Global Quality Management System. With the ISO system, the entire academic process of the Psychology Study Program can be monitored and measured for success. Therefore the Dean creates a conducive atmosphere in academic life that not only organizes Tri Dharma Higher Education programs that are focused, but more than that which fosters public trust that the Faculty of Psychology of Mercu Buana University has an advantage especially in producing professional psychology-based psychology masters. Foreign language, technology and ethics.